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Provisions for Alternate Grades Implemented in Response to COVID-19

Complete Credit/Credit/No Credit (CCR~/CR~/NCR~) Grading -Undergraduate

In light of the challenging remote instructional environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and in order to moderate student stress while adapting to a new system of course delivery, the University of Montana will implement an alternative grading mechanism effective during the spring semester of 2020. This optional Complete Credit/Credit/No Credit grading mechanism, made available for all courses taken for undergraduate credit, will afford students more flexibility and reorient their focus to achieving course outcomes without the inherent anxiety of traditional letter grades.

A Complete Credit (CCR~) designation reflects performance at any of the levels A, B, or C (C- or above), and designates adequate understanding of the subject matter and adequate preparation for more advanced work in the field. Courses completed with a CCR~ grade will qualify as prerequisites and will satisfy degree or general education requirements at UM or other MUS campuses.

A Credit (CR~) designation reflects minimally acceptable performance at any D level (D- through D+). Courses completed with a CR~ grade qualify as prerequisites and satisfy degree requirements only in those instances where a CR is normally accepted.

The No Credit (NCR~) designation is for work of failing quality (F).

Complete Credit/Credit/No Credit grades do not factor into students’ Grade Point Average (GPA). Complete Credit/Credit grades count towards earned semester hours. A No Credit grade does not count toward earned semester hours.

Faculty will grade students as usual per their syllabi grading structure, with an understanding that the transition to remote learning might impact each student differently.

Students have the option of choosing Complete Credit/Credit/No Credit grading for any number of their courses up to seven calendar days after their final grade is posted to their transcript by the Registrar.

UM will include a designation on students’ transcripts, indicating the extraordinary circumstances of the global public health emergency during Spring 2020.

The University cautions students that many graduate and professional schools and some employers do not recognize non-traditional grades (i.e., those other than A, B, C, D, F) or may discriminate against students who use the CCR~/ CR~/NCR~ option for many courses.

Credit/No Credit (CR~/NCR~) Grading - Graduate

For Spring 2020, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, graduate and professional students may elect to take any graduate level course or any 400-level UG course on a Credit/No Credit (CR~/NCR~) basis, rather than a traditional grade. The only exception is that the CR~/NCR~ will NOT apply to courses for which all requirements were due before spring break (10-week or shorter courses*). CR~ credits will not count toward GPA, but will count toward degree requirements. Students must consult with their academic advisors before making this decision, as different programs will have different concerns about long-term implications of non-graded courses on their transcripts (professional certification, employment opportunities, etc). Faculty will provide traditional grades as normal, but students can elect to opt for “CR~” for grades of C and above; grades of C- or lower will be awarded NCR~.

Students have the option of choosing Credit/No Credit grading for any number of their courses up to seven calendar days after their final grade is posted to their transcript by the Registrar.

UM will include a designation on students’ transcripts, indicating the extraordinary circumstances of the global public health emergency during Spring 2020.

Credit/No Credit Grading - Law School

Per faculty mandate, all spring 2020 law grades appear as Credit/No Credit to mitigate the COVID-19 disruption to traditional face-to-face curriculum delivery.